Labels:compact disk | crt screen | monitor | plant | table OCR: THE VIOLIN THE MULTIMEDIA ENCYCLOPEDIA WIN/MAC CD ROM Whatever your interest in this remarkable instrument asa protessional musician, an amateur or simply music lover "The Violin is for you. This product ofters the largest collection of tacts, music and documents relating to the violin ever brought together on single CD ROM. System requirements Pentium or PowerPC processor running at at least 100 MHz Windows 95 or MacOS System 7.1 or better 16 Mb RAM Screen set tor thousands colours AX CD ROM drive To get the best enjoy ment trom the exceptional musica documents on this CD ROM, we stro ngly recommend that you connect external loudopeakers to your computer (Mono- compatible stereo hi -ti) Produced with assistance from France's Centre National de la Cinematogr aphie and the Ministry for Post ...